Enrolling for 2022-2023 Academic Year
Check out the online and in-person class option for different age groups and enroll in-time for the start of classes on Set. 11, 2022....

Children, Teens, and Adult Classes at the Chicago Persian School!
Persian Language and Culture for Children, Teens, and Adults starting September 8, 2019 @ 733 Lee St., Des Plaines, IL 60016 Kids...

Children, Teens, and Adult Classes at the Chicago Persian School!
Persian Language and Culture for Children, Teens, and Adults starting September 9, 2018 @ 733 Lee St., Des Plaines, IL 60016 Kids...

NEW: Persian Classes for Age 1.5 to 4 at the Chicago Persian School
For the first time at the Chicago Persian School Persian Immersion Classes for Age 1.5 and 2 (Joojeh 1): Sundays 11 am to 12 pm Age 3 and...

Sign up for "Persian Creative and Performing Arts" Classes
NOW OPEN TO ANYONE INTERESTED Check out Chicago Persian School this year's selection of extracurricular classes, now available to...